Saturday, July 3, 2010
enthusiast racing fans even modifications, like changing the wheel circumference skubek aka duck scooter. Either use a larger or smaller. The reason buanyak! Because the virus could follow the trend MODIF alias, or simply pursue acceleration.
"But, when the circumference of the wheel (rim) has changed, there must be adjusted again. One of them, gear ratios, "said Nanang Gunawan, MCC owner of Motorsport at Jl. Batu Ampar I, No. 100, Condet, East Jakarta.
Because according to the man who knew by heart about gear ratios at once to make this ratio, the calculation would be different from the motor running. Yes! The difference when using 14-inch circumference wheel is converted into 17 inches. And vice versa.
"Clearly, when the bike accelerates. In the standard machine conditions or bore-up, 14-inch rim will be faster than 17-inch rims, "added the man who he said already tossing a bone to research gear ratio troops this Suzuki racing team.
However, due to the replacement of the small wheel will still be big risk. "Acceleration is more severe but top speed will be higher," said Cokky, owner of JP Racing Bintaro. Doi, also often played in racing skubek senggol market. So, understanding also about the ratio.
So this suggests that the two men bore when the engine is up and replaced the wheel circumference, the ratio must be changed. Do not just replace the roller aja. Could use more light or heavy ratio, depending on needs.
But when raising or lowering the ratio, does not can be of any! Especially in skubek! If the duck or sports, there is a final gear for power transfer. But for skubek, there are also functions like a final rolleryang gear.
"Another calculation, make sure the engine power. Big engine power, certainly different to power small engines, "said Nanang a research center for gear ratios also skubek. Yes! Logically, the greater engine power of motor can deliver more quickly to targets than smaller engines. Use the ratio is too lightly, so the motor breath out faster.
Wear weight ratio, make the bike so much longer prefix. Confused? Do not! Here, we try to calculate with aja yuk!
Take the example of Yamaha Mio. Dental manufacturer garputala skubek standard ratio is, wear eye 13/40. When wearing a rim 14 inches, then calculating the ratio becomes 13/10 = 14 / X. Then X = 43.076. Well, as well as skubek already replace 17-inch tires. X count must be 43.076.
Because if we are using the same 17 inch but its ratio. So grow large numbers of heavy alias. Yes, 13/40 = 17 / X X = 52.307. Now, this is the cause skubek ran slow when changing rims bigger but top speed is still bigger.
Well, let me run more steadily drove alias. "Seting Ulang Gigi Rasio Hubungan Pelek dan Rasio" to replace the appropriate ratio. In the market, already existing aftermarket gear ratios. Selling price, ranging from Rp 350 thousands, depending on the brand.
Without call brands, there are two teeth ratio is offered. Yes, size 15/40 and 15/39 eyes eye. Both these ratios, can answer the shortage skubek berpelek 17 inches. That's because the ratio calculations, rada similar to the standard gear ratio.
Calculate? Okay! 15/40 = 17 / X so X = 45.333. But if you want more lightly again, please wear a size 15/39. Because the outcome, 15/39 = 17 / X then X = 44.155. Begitunya, larger wheels, let me also accelerated more.